Episode 263 Blog: What Emotions Make a Successful Mediation?
Watch Here: In the recorded episode 263 I discussed why anger doesn’t work in mediation. The primary reasons are that it destroys the spirit of compromise, it turns off the other spouse, it doesn’t allow the speaker to be heard, and it doesn’t allow the speaker to process the response of the other spouse. […]
Episode 262: Successful Step-Parenting and Blending Families
40% of American families are blended families. That means that 40% of the families in the United States have at least one child living with one biological parent and one step-parent. That’s a lot of shared love, and steadily rising. It’s so important to understand what a child of divorce experiences when other partners are […]
Episode 261: Your Words are Your Secret Sauce in Conflict
If there is one secret to share with the world regarding the handling of conflict situations and relationships, that is that words and tone of voice can mitigate most issues. It’s the way people communicate with each other that is at the heart of resolution. Arguing never works; it ends up in a verbal tug […]
Episode 260: What is Your Money Type?
Everyone has a relationship to money. People are either spenders or savers; stingy or generous. What people preview to a potential mate could either be their genuine money selves, or a restricted version of themselves in so far as the way they handle money. There are times when people hide their debt from the other […]
Episode 259: Do Not Look at Divorce as a Failure
Anyone who has gone through divorce has a range of horrible feelings – fear, hurt, betrayal, anger, depression, failure – depending on how they see the reason for the divorce. Are they blaming themselves or are they blaming their spouse? Or do they have a wider view that both spouses contributed to the end of […]
Episode 258: Wounds Will Only Heal With the Truth
Listen Here: In my 12 years of family law mediation, I have found the rhythm to most mediations IF the spouses have not forgiven each other for the reason(s) for the divorce, is this: 1st Mediation is the false narrative people tell themselves and want to tell the mediator in order to get what […]
Episode 257: In Threatening Conversations, Listen and Ask “Why?”
In the world of divorce, communication – what you say and how you say it – either helps or hinders how you and your spouse get through the process. Communication can go from bad to worse when a divorce is requested because the element of trust has changed in that relationship. And I don’t mean […]
The Family Tree is Our Foundation
A very dear friend who is a psychotherapist, Dr. Kathy Memel, uses the family tree to unlock the lessons we learned in our families of origin. Understanding where our behavior came from especially inso far as it relates to the way we choose relationships and the way we behave in relationships, is critical to our […]
Episode 254: How to Use Healthy Anger in Mediation
Have you heard the phrase “Don’t drive angry” from the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray that was out many years ago? Well, the same could be said about the display of anger in a divorce mediation: Don’t Mediate Angry. As I researched anger for the podcast episode this week, I learned that there is […]
Episode 251: Tps to Negotiate Spousal and Child Support
Listen Here: I. Spousal Support a. Even though child support is considered more important than spousal support/alimony, spousal support is much harder to deal with both for the spouses and the legal professionals who provide service: Attorneys, Mediators, Divorce Coaches, Document Preparation person, Therapists. b. Spousal support was created in the late 1800’s when […]
The High Road Includes Courtesy, Compromise and Consideration
Listen Here: We’ve all heard people talk about Taking the High Road. “I’m just going to take the high road.” That sometimes infers a bit of ego in the self-satisfaction that the speaker has or is making better choices than the person with whom they are in disagreement. Taking the High Road involves two […]
Episode 249: Parenting Plans vs Parenting Relationships
There are the Parenting Plans, which are tough enough to create and maintain, and there are the Parenting Relationships which are even more challenging to amicably develop. Why? Because the tone of the marriage, and subsequently the tone of the divorce, dictates the tone of the Parenting Relationship. This is why it’s so incredibly important […]
Episode 248: Are You Co-Parenting Gifted Children? How’s It Going? The word “Gifted” as it relates to children and their parents is an umbrella term for a variety of neurodivergent people: High-functioning Learning Disable Down Syndrome Autistic Dyslexic Genius And more… And within these categories is a range of neurological expression. There is not one version of autism, there is a range of autistic […]
Episode 247: Managing Emotions is Key to an Amicable Divorce
Listen Here: The difference between an amicable and an acrimonious divorce is how each spouse feels about their soon-to-be ex, and how they manage and express their emotions. That’s why grieving before filing is so important. There are seven stages to divorce grief: Shock, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Forgiveness. When you’ve reach Acceptance, […]
Episode 245: Dishonesty Leads to Dis-Ease Divorce is fraught with fear. People go from trusting each other to feeling like they don’t know each other once the divorce conversation takes place. Then they start either misreading each other, or drawing inaccurate conclusions about the way their spouse may want to approach anything from the financial discussion that is a necessary […]
Episode 244: If You Married Wrong. Make It Right. In Episode 244 with Coach Carrie Cohen, Marriage Coach and Psychotherapist we explored the situation of marrying the wrong person. A national average from the Department of Labor Statistics states that 50% of us are divorced from our first marriages. But it gets worse: 60% of second marriages and 70% of third marriages end […]
Forgiveness is Our Get-Out-Of-Emotional-Jail Free Card Forgiveness is one of the 7 Stages of Divorce Grief. It’s the last stage before a person’s life can truly turn around. Here are the 7 Stages: Shock, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Forgiveness. The first five are obvious for people going through divorce. The last two are the most positive stages and serve […]
Episode 242: You’re a Victim by Choice; the Choice to Change is Yours
Listen Here: Being a Victim is a Choice, not a Requirement. It takes a while to figure that out. Some people are victims as a result of learned behavior from their parents’ relationship and don’t realize they are repeating that behavior. We have cognitive memory and muscle memory. Quite often we need someone who […]
Episode 241: The Power of Silence Speaks Volumes
Listen Here: We live in a continuous loop of communication between social media, podcasts, radio, television, texts, emails, and actual verbal conversation. The world keeps talking and in order to get a word in edge-wise, we need to amp up our responses. But in the world of divorce, when our communication skills are compromised […]
Episode 240: Relationship Truths Will Surface in Mediation
Listen Here: 1. There are so many relationship issues that come to the forefront at the mediation that I now look at mediation as an opportunity to correct the record and to cleanse the relationship. As my clients go through their mediations, I always learn something about relationships and about life. Here are a […]
You Have the Support. Do You Have the Protection?
Listen Here: In Episode 239 of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, you learned the following: Life insurance can protect your child and spousal support payments in the event that the payor dies or becomes unable to work. A Term Life Insurance policy is written on the life of a person, and is collected if […]
Episode 238: Defying the Odds for Multiple Amicable Divorces
Listen Here: 50% of first marriages, 60% of second marriages, and 70% of third marriages end in divorce. Now why is this? Several reasons, but the two that come up repeatedly are marrying the wrong (same) person again and again; and being the wrong married person. There are other reasons like not being able […]
Episode 237: A Voluntary Settlement Conference vs Divorce Mediation vs Trial
Listen Here: We hear so much about the advantages of mediation in an approach to divorce, and as a means to discuss and negotiate a divorce settlement. And it is a great way to arrive at an amicable divorce settlement. But is mediation the only way, and the best way for everyone to engage […]
The Inner Workings of the Courthouse
Listen Here: The courthouse is not the friendliest place to be regardless of the type of case. But when it’s divorce, it’s horrible, beyond belief. Let’s start with the cost. Bloody expensive if lawyers have to be hired. And sometimes, a divorce can’t be done without them. Hold on to your wallets and strap […]
Episode 235: How Emotionally Intelligent Are You in Your Divorce?
Listen Here: Here are questions to ask yourself to gage your own Emotional Intelligence: What emotions come up when the decision to divorce takes place? Are you experiencing grief and fear? Have you set an intent to handle the emotions in a positive way? What words are you using in your divorce language? Are […]
Episode 234: Top 10 Divorce Myths
Listen Here: Getting Legal Advice is being Disloyal to Your Spouse. “We decided we wanted to keep it amicable, and going to an attorney makes it litigious.” Absolutely false! Getting legal advice is the smartest thing anyone can do. Unless you know the law, you won’t know how to negotiate properly. Filing a Response […]
Episode 233: Is Laughter and Divorce a Joke?
Listen Here: Laughter makes anything better, even divorce. Laughter breaks the spell of depression and anger. Laughter points out the ironies in life. Self-care programs in general brighten our moods and take us out of our myopic view of ourselves as victims. But when we think of self-care it’s typically an exercise program. Well, […]
Episode 232 It’s Time to Control Time
Listen Here: Recipe for a Heart-Healthy Divorce lists the compartmentalization of time as a key ingredient in an amicable divorce. When people file for divorce their emotions are out of control, their communication is compromised, and their time is unbalanced – unless time is approached in a very different and self-serving way. Controlling the […]
Episode 231: Communication is Our Secret Sauce
Listen Here: People don’t realize how much power and control they have over adverse situations simply by communicating in a way that neutralizes conflict. We aren’t taught communication skills in school. We learn from our parents. We learn from our friends. And we learn from every person with whom we interact. But if the […]
Episode 230: A Heart-Healthy Divorce Is Possible
Listen Here: No, a Heart-Healthy Divorce is not an oxymoron. It is possible to use divorce to reset our way of thinking; to sharpen our apology and forgiveness skills; and to learn how to deal with conflict in a completely different way than “lawyering up for the fight”. But a formal approach has never […]
Episode 228: Break Free, Marriage Hostages
Listen Here: You know when your relationship doesn’t feel right, look right, or function with the freedom of individual thinking and independent behavior for both spouses. You know that having no access to money isn’t normal for an adult in a marriage. You know that giving up self-expression means having no personal identity. You […]
Episode 227: Is Trust a Concern in Your Divorce?
Listen Here: I speak a lot about the Emotional Divorce, which precedes the Legal Divorce. The Emotional Divorce has to be settled before we file and make legally binding decisions. The Emotional Divorce is the emotional uncoupling process of grieving the loss of the relationship. If people don’t go through this grieving process first, […]
Episode 226 Blog: It’s Hard to Be Honest
Listen Here: It’s hard to be honest, especially if we’re in a situation, like divorce, where we think that honesty may disadvantage us. If this is where you’re at right now, please know that other than divulging where you live if you’re experiencing potential physical harm to yourself or your children, honesty is the […]
Episode 225: How Much Financial Abuse Will You Accept?
Listen Here: You may not have been able to define it until you listened to episode 225 on Financial Abuse, but you know when you’re not living as a person who is free to use family money, spend family money, and discuss family money with your spouse. Marriage only works if both people have […]
Are 2023 Women Good Money Managers?
Listen Here: After interviewing Linda Lingo about divorce, money, long-term marriages, and long-term care, I started thinking of all my clients and their financial footprints. I get to see their financial footprints through their Disclosure forms. My view of women and money is that they’re really good with money. Honestly, as I keep listening to […]
Any Waves in Your Blended 2023 Family?
Listen Here: I had the pleasure of interviewing Judy Graybill, Stepparent Coach and author on this week’s podcast episode 223. She just wrote an e-book titled The 5 Biggest Risk Factors for Blended Families. After our interview I kept thinking about some of the points she made, and here’s where I landed. Having a […]
Distracted at Work by Divorce? Let’s Change This!
Listen Here: The first thing to know if you are about to file for divorce, or are going through the filing now, is that Distraction happens to everyone. You are not alone. If you have not filed for divorce yet, yet are stressed about the multitude of decisions you have to make and the […]
How to Be Child-Centered as a Co-Parent
Listen Here: Being child-centered as a parent going through divorce is dang near impossible if parents are still reeling from the emotions of the transition out of marriage. The healing that has to take place, grieving of the loss of the marriage, regardless of the difficulties that may have existed in the marriage, has […]
Episode 219: Divorce Recovery is Imminent for Everyone Everyone goes through a recovery period in the transition out of marriage, and in the aftermath of divorce. The extent to which people recover has to do with the awareness people have of themselves, their reasons for marrying, their reasons for divorcing, and how people look at the opportunity divorce provides for them […]
Episode 218: Where There’s Education, There’s a Way
Episode 218: How to Leave a High Conflict Marriage w/Karen McMahon, Certified Relationship Coach Listen Here: On this episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we learned that leaving a high conflict marriage in which there is financial abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse, has its difficulties, but it’s not impossible. It […]
Episode 217 Blog: How You Show Up Matters
Listen Here: I am so appreciative of Dr. Debra Dupree writing her book Your Emotional Potential: How You Show Up Matters because it absolutely, 100% matters how people engaged in a divorce mediation prepare themselves emotionally, behave when in the mediation by the words they choose, the tone of voice they use, and the […]
Episode 216: Don’t Hold Back with the Attorney
Listen Here: I had no idea that lawyers were concerned about getting shot by the opposing spouse in a litigated divorce case. The more I advance this topic to family law professionals, especially attorneys, I get a resounding, “Yes, we are worried about this” and then go on to tell stories about the lawyers […]
Episode 215 Blog: Choose Your Attorney Carefully
Listen Here: Interviewing Jordana Confino, “recovering attorney”, and creator fo the Positive Lawyering course at Fordham law School, was an absolute treat. Jordana explained, from inside the legal and education professions, why and how lawyers should and can change from an adversarial mindset to a more amicable one, while representing their clients in an […]
Episode 214 Blog: Shift Happens
Listen Here: On this episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast this is what we learned: When we get divorced a shift happens in us. We change emotionally. True, we grow every day if we allow ourselves to learn, adjust, revise or change something in our thinking and in our behavior that allows growth […]
Episode 213: Can Everyone Be Happy?
Listen Here: On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we ask the question: Can everyone be happy?: Let’s start with the definition of Happiness: Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. Aristotle distinguished between Four Levels of Happiness: 1) Happiness from material objects; Ego gratification; Happiness from […]
Episode 211: How to Find the Money
THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast: Tracy Coenen, forensic accountant and author of the Divorce Money Guide, explained a lot about how the spouse who knows less about the family finances can be brought up to date on what the family has and what the family owes. Here are some of Tray’s suggestions: Explain to your […]
Episode 210: How Does Being Child-Centered Work?
Listen Here: I had Janet Price of JP Coaching and Consulting on the show this week. Janet does most of her coaching work with co-parents going through divorce. Janet was then the best person to ask this question of. The discussion went as follows: Being chid-centered means looking at divorce life through the eyes […]
Episode 209: Complex Kids Need Uncomplicated Parenting
On this episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert, Elaine Taylor-Klaus of, a company devoted to the parenting of neuro-diverse children, will share her tips on getting parents to be able to communicate with their children in a way that takes the stress out of the parent-child relationship. Listen Here: Elaine had the best […]
Episode 208 Blog: Self-Worth Can Increase As a Result of Divorce In this episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, Patty McGuire, CEO of Positivity Influencer Coaching, discussed individual self-worth, how it’s affected during divorce and how divorce can bring out the best in a person’s feeling of self-worth. Self-Worth can easily be lost when going through divorce. People tend to blame themselves, after, of […]
Episode 207: Benefits of Mediation During Emotional Divorce
Listen Here: In episode 207 of THE Amicable Divorce Expert Judith shares an article from Diane Neumann, a divorce mediator, titled “The Psychological Stages of Divorce”. Diane takes the five emotional stages of divorce and demonstrates how mediation can be used during this time. As a divorce mediator I have typically engaged in mediation […]
Episode 204: Parental Alienation is Child Abuse
Listen Here: If you were a child of divorce and experienced parental alienation, this is a trauma that will take some undoing. If you are a parent and are supporting parental alienation, you are engaging in child abuse. The definition of parental alienation is a process in which one parent intentionally denigrates the other […]
Episode 203 Blog: Why Do Relationships Take Work? Like you, I’ve known couples who have been married a very long time, and couples who didn’t last very long. And we’ve all known people who have had several marriages and divorces, and it just doesn’t seem like successful marriages are part of their lives. Right? So why is there such a difference in […]
Episode 201 Blog: Is Your Divorce Taking Too Long?
Listen Here: There are several reasons why your divorce could be taking longer than it needs to, or much longer than you expected. Let’s look at the reasons: There is no communication, or acrimonious communication between spouses. Communication is the center point, the ground zero for the trajectory of the divorce. This is why […]
Episode 200: Workplace Burnout and Divorce w/Dr. Jacqueline Kerr and Kristi Rible
This episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast is about workplace burnout for women and men who are also going through divorce. Listen Here: First, the bad news. There is a crisis in corporate America called Presenteeism. It means that people show up for work, they are present, but mentally checked out due to […]
Episode 198: The Importance of Openness and Honesty in Mediation w/Joseph George
Listen Here: This episode explores the realities of making a good mediation. It’s simple: Be Honest, Be Empathetic, Be Human One of the aspects of mediation that all mediators face is how to work through the parties’ conflict while staying neutral. The hardest part of remaining neutral is when you see the following: One […]
Episode 197 Blog: The Complexities of Gender Identity in Divorce
Listen Here: We live in a different society now in so far as gender is concerned. We no longer have a simple straight vs gay society. Now we have massive transgenderism, nonbinary people, different use of pronouns, and people changing their names to be one letter defying a gender identification. Not only does this […]
Episod 196: Celebrity Divorce? Tom Brady & Gisele Bundchen…Marriage Equality; Does It Exist?
Listen Here:…commitment-has-an-energy-that-defines-the-relationship/ What I was seriously blown away by was the fact that Gisele, who had amassed a greater fortune than Tom, agreed to sublimate herself and take herself out of the work that created her wealth, modeling; remove herself from the spotlight, which modeling puts someone in; to be a wife and Mom, […]
Episode 195: Women Divorce and Money w/David Stolz, CPA, CDFA, Author
Listen Here: The first thing I addressed in the interview with David was why he wrote a book specifically addressing women and money when the book had very little to do with women and everything to do with how to deal with money in the divorce settlement, which is no different for women than […]
Episode 194: When Divorce Mediation is Right for You
Listen Here Katherine Miller, Mediator, Attorney, and our guest this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast made a statement that I can’t stop thinking about: “Divorce is a people problem with a legal consequence.” That is so true when talking about who should mediate and who should ask a Judge to make decisions […]
Episode 193: Understanding Attorneys, Paralegals and the Human Side of Law w/Eda Rosa
Listen Here: In THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, we featured Eda Rosa, LLC a Ft. Lauderdale legal professional who has a concierge paralegal service for attorneys, has her own podcast, Let’s Talk Legal, and is an author of two books that support honesty and ethics in legal services. Honesty and Ethics should be the […]
Trust & Forgiveness are the Dynamic Duo for Personal Growth
Listen Here: Relationships are hard enough on a good day, but when trust is broken, how do you get back to the relationship without the key, forgiveness? You don’t. Can’t have one without the other in order to repair a relationship and to restore trust again. But is trust ever the same? Is the […]
Happiness is Within Our Control
Happiness is Within Our Control Listen Here: I don’t know about you, but I need to step up my happiness game. In the last three years enough life stuff has happened that I felt my personal happiness dwindle. It got to a point where I just didn’t have the energy and enthusiasm that I […]
Are You Living in a Restrictive Box called Marriage?
Listen Here: Wendy Tamis Robbins, Esq., our guest this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, suffered from anxiety in childhood that continues into her adult life. Wendy will share what it was like going through anxiety and panic attacks as a child, through a law career, a first marriage, with the journey she […]
Episode 189 THE Amicable Divorce Expert presents Burnout to Balance and How to Turn It Around w/Dr. Drea Letamendi, Psychologist, TEDx Speaker & Consultant
Episode 189 THE Amicable Divorce Expert: presents Burnout to Balance and How to Turn It Around w/Dr. Drea Letamendi, Psychologist, TEDx Speaker & Consultant Listen Here: In this episode you will learn the following: What is Burnout? Being emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted by a state of prolonged stress. We generally refer to workplace […]
Episode 188 Amicable Divorce Expert podcast Celebrity Divorce: Kelly Clarkson & Brandon Blackstock on Amicable Co-Parenting, Women Out-earning Men, Child & Spousal Support
Episode 188 Amicable Divorce Expert podcast Celebrity Divorce: Kelly Clarkson & Brandon Blackstock on Amicable Co-Parenting, Women Out-earning Men, Child & Spousal Support Listen Here: Kind of lost on whether Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock are actually divorced yet, but the good news is that they are at least back to amicable co-parenting on […]
Episode 187 THE Amicable Divorce Expert: Honesty is the Responsibility of Everyone
Listen Here: On this week’s episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we interviewed Georgia Attorney Tracy Ann Moore-Grant, founder of the Amicable Divorce Network, an organization that provides vetted lists of attorneys, mediators, therapists, and other divorce professionals who are committed to honesty, integrity, and a collaborative mindset to treat people going through […]
Episode 186 of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast: How to Reclaim Your Identity in Divorce w/Wendy Sterling, CPCC, ACC, CDS, Divorce Healer & Recovery Coach
Listen to Learn: Marriage can either be a place where you can flourish and grow, or it can be a place in which you have to sublimate yourself, give up your true identity and means of expression, and assume roles that limit your ability to be self-expressive, making choices for everyone else’s good but […]
Episode 185: Are You Dying of Financial Abuse w/Stacy Francis, Francis Financial Divorce Checklist Gather documents and make copies. Create lists of assets and liabilities. Keep all of this information and documents in a divorce file, so everything can be easily accessible during the divorce process. Bank and credit card statements/account numbers Retirement account numbers Investment account numbers Loan account numbers […]
Episode 184 THE Amicable Divorce Expert: FIND YOUR BLIND SPOTS AND THRIVE with Brian Bushway, Jaimee Kadish and Brandon Shin of Acoustic Athletics
Listen Here: In divorce we have Fear, we need Courage, we go through Adaptation to changing circumstances, and we need techniques for Communication to deal with the settlement. All three of our guests, Brian Bushway, Jaimee Kadish, and Brandon Shin were born sighted and now blind. The messages they have to share are inspirational, […]
Episode 183: Celebrity Divorce RoundUp featuring Attorney Fees, Child & Spousal Support, Pre & Post-Nups, and Social Media with Kelly Clarkson, Adele, Mary J. Blige, Kim & Kanye, Bethenny Frankel
Episode 183: Celebrity Divorce RoundUp featuring Attorney Fees, Child & Spousal Support, Pre & Post-Nups, and Social Media with Kelly Clarkson, Adele, Mary J. Blige, Kim & Kanye, Bethenny Frankel Just this past week I had several of the topics on our show today come up with my clients. These topics have been mentioned separately […]
Episode 182: Myth vs Reality: Lawyers, Judges, the Court with Attorney Limor Mojdehiazad Attorney Limor Mojdehiazad was the perfect guest to discuss the reality of how Judges make rulings, how the Court system works, and what to expect from and how to deal with your attorney. It ain’t what you think. Have knowledge; have power. Here’s what I mean… Let’s start with Judges. They will almost never […]
Episode 181: How to Understand and Avoid Relationship Exploitation with Barry Mozian, Licensed Private Investigator, President – Talon Companies
Listen Here:–-talon-companies/ I first heard the terms relationship fraud and financial exploitation in my work filing for divorce. It typically came up with what I call immigration marriages. The first few that I saw were with older men who had been married for 30-40 years and lost their wives. Since they spent most of […]
Episode 180: How Can Mom Afford to Keep the House? with Mona Elhalwagy, JD, Mortgage Broker, NMLS #663069 On Episode 180 of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we interviewed Mona Elhalwagy, JD, NMLS: 663069 is a mortgage broker with Forbix. Mona lays out the formulas to use to provide a mortgage for Moms especially, if Mom is the lower wage earner and wants to keep the house. What does a mortgage broker […]
Celebs Kelly & Brandon; Katie & Tom: The House is Whose?
One of the hardest assets to deal with is the house. And when you’re a celebrity, you probably have an expensive home, maybe several of them. Our two celebrity divorces for Episode 180 on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast are Kelly Clarkson, winner of American Idol, Grammy Award-Winning singer, and talk show host, and her […]
Communication and Parental Alienation w/Despina Mavridou, Author, Mediator, Child of Divorce On Episode 179 of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we have mediator Despina Mavridou, author of Mum, Dad, Can You Hear Me? And a child of divorce, as our guest to discuss the importance of communication between parents, how a lack of communication leads to Parental Alienation. Let’s start with the first step in […]
How To Amicably Co-Parent with Dr. Lynne Meyer
Listen Here: Listen Here: Parenting is hard; co-parenting is harder. Being a kid is hard; being a kid of divorce is harder. So how do we make sense of all of this? Part of dealing with the reality of amicable co-parenting is dealing with the reality that you might not make a good parent, […]
Creating the Best Attorney-Client Relationship
Listen here: On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast yesterday, Attorney David Yamamoto joined us to discuss the inner workings of the attorney-client relationship. David practices in Southern California. He litigates when necessary, serves as a collaborative lawyer when appropriate, mediates, and handles out-of-court settlements. David is one of the good guys who doesn’t take […]
2nd Marriage Co-Parenting Tips w/Judy Graybill, Step-Parent Coach
Listen Here: 2nd Marriage Co-Parenting Tips w/ Judy Graybill, Step-Parent Coach THE Amicable Divorce Expert interviews Judy Graybill, Step-Parent Coach, on the best ways to be a step-parent in a second marriage. Second marriages are tough for several reasons, but there are empowering things you can do about it: 1. If the biological parents […]
Celebs Kim & Kanye: Introducing New Partners
This month’s celebrity divorce focuses on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and their significant others. They both did everything wrong if the model is “Best Interests of the Child” and making sure that the co-parents have worked out this new co-parenting relationship first before bringing new partners into the picture. Kim & Kanye Profile: Kim […]
How to Spot and Divorce a Narcissist w/Victoria McCooey, Narcissist Divorce Coach Victoria McCooey, Narcissist Divorce Coach and Creator of the Reclaim Your Power System™ joined us to help identify the behavior of a narcissist, how women are influenced by narcissists, the types of women who are attracted to narcissists, and how women can divorce a narcissist. It’s not easy, but the victims of a narcissistic relationship […]
THE Amicable Divorce Expert presents “Communication is Your Secret Weapon in Controlling a Narcissist
Listen Here: THE Amicable Divorce Expert, Judith M. Weigle, interviews former narcissist survivor Meghan Remington, now a certified divorce coach and former wife of a narcissist with three small children when she divorced. Meghan’s story is fascinating: She gave up her career to be a stay-at-home mom which was detrimental to her marriage; […]
THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast presents Johnny Depp and Billy Ray Cyrus: Two Sides of Amicable
Listen Here: On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle, the podcast devoted to amicable divorces, we speak with @LawyerLimor, Limor Mojdehiazad, Esq. about the current celebrity divorces and family law cases in the news: Johnny Depp & Amber Heard, Billy Ray Cyrus, Tom & Katie and Lala & Randall from Vanderpump […]
Are Men’s Feelings Different Than Women’s in Divorce
On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we interviewed Tamir Berkman, Divorce Cowboy. This cowboy is a divorce coach for men. Tamir only works with men because as a man, he believes he can address the emotional issues that men go through differently than women when in a relationship break-up. Tamir uses, as one of his […]
What Makes a Divorce Settlement Agreement Difficult to Reach
Listen Here: On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast our guest is Attorney Natalie S. Lowe. We will be discussing Tips for Making a Good Divorce Settlement as well as reasons why settlements are difficult to reach. One of the biggest reasons why settlement agreements are difficult is due to the emotional nature of divorce. […]
Steps To Divorcing a Narcissist
On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast this week we had Liz Merrill, Divorce Coach and Mediator, and a survivor of a narcissistic spouse. Liz had small children who came to her and encouraged her to leave the marriage for their sake. This is the complete opposite of what parents attempt to do for their children: […]
Who Gets the Oscar for Best Divorce?
The Amicable Divorce Expert Celebrity Divorce episode this week is “Who Gets the Divorce Oscar?” It’s totally up for grabs! Featured divorces are Lucille Ball’s divorce from Desi Arnaz and how they dealt with the community property film studio known as Desilu Productions; Steven Spielberg’s divorce from Amy Irving and a pre-nuptial agreement that was challenged […]
The Perils of Parenting with Esther Jacob, MA, ACSW, Divorce Coash, Parent
Who should have reconsidered having children, raise your hands! Ah huh. I thought so. Having children sounds like the right idea until it isn’t anymore. So what do you do know that you have them? Can’t really give them away. And to whom would you give them? People who also should have thought more about […]
A Parent’s Guide to Birdnesting with author Ann Gold Buscho, PhD.
On The Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle yesterday we had author Ann Gold Bushco, PhD on the program, speaking about her book A Parent’s Guide to Birdnesting. The family law community calls the process Dr. Buscho describes as Birdnesting, simply Nesting. Birdnesting is an east coast version of west coast Nesting. But […]
EXIT Interview with Colleen O’Neil: Divorce is an Issue of Compromise
On the Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle we had Mediator, Therapist, Educator, and podcast host Colleen O’Neil back to share her experience getting divorced. It’s so interesting to listen to a divorced person who is a family law professional speak about their divorce and the challenges they faced in the process. Colleen […]
Can Mediation Work for Everyone?
Can Mediation Work for Everyone? I think the answer is “Yes” if specific conditions are met: .The parties need to be informed about the law surrounding their settlement deal points .The parties need to be able to communicate well .The parties need to be respectful of each other .Neither party can intimidate the other party .And […]
Encore: Super Bowl LVI Rappers’ Divorces
On the Amicable Divorce Expert podcast this week with Beverly Hills millennial attorney Limor Mojdehiazad, we conducted an encore performance of the Super Bowl Halftime Show by exploring aspects of the Rappers’ divorces that are teachable moments for us in our divorces, in the lyrics of their songs, in their social media posts, and in […]
Romance Fraud & Financial Exploitation
The numbers are staggering: In 2021 $307M was scammed by people who love your money but not you! Say what? Yes. You gave them your heart but all they wanted was your money. If this is you, you’re not alone. You’re in a huge pool of people who fell in love before falling into financial […]
Divorce and Depression: How to Manage Both
Brian Stefan, ACSW, MSW, was our guest on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast on Wednesday. He shared with us his work with grief and suicide. Historically, suicide became a public conversation with the death of Marilyn Monroe in the 60’s. Before then, the topic was taboo. Something to be ignored and not analyzed. Because Marilyn […]
Can a Marriage Survive a Transgender Reveal?
Our topic this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with host Judith M. Weigle was controversial: The possible survival of a marriage when one spouse becomes the opposite gender. Generally not. But in the case of our February 2nd guest, Leslie Hilburn Fabian, LCSW, and author of My Husband’s a Woman Now, the gender […]
Kris & Caitlyn Celebrity Divorce: Blended Families, Reality TV, Remarriage and Gender Change
Bruce, Kris, Caitlyn…it was a big marriage in so many ways. Bruce Jenner was a celebrity first, then came Kris Kardashian. The world knew Bruce as an Olympic athlete and then the Wheaties cereal box. The world came to know Kris as Attorney Robert Kardashian’s wife, Nicole Brown Simpson’s good friend, and then Bruce Jenner’s […]
Thriving is Your Destiny By Your Choice
Who doesn’t want to thrive? Who doesn’t want to feel that they are in control of their lives? Who doesn’t want to say the right thing at the right time, or more so, who doesn’t want to be proud of their responses when spoken to in a hurtful way? And who doesn’t want to meet […]
Breaking Up With Abuse; Life After Narcissism
“I didn’t know what the future held, but I knew this…I was better than the past.” This is a quote from Denise Kavalisuskas, Transformational Love Coach and our guest on the podcast yesterday. Denise was in a toxic narcissistic relationship for 22 years before she got the courage to leave, and for the first time […]
Steps to Career ReInvention After Divorce
When our guest on this week’s podcast, Tracy Enos, gave us tips on how to use LinkedIn to reinvent our careers after divorce, she preceded that part of the interview by sharing with us her divorce experience. She went through her own reinvention challenges due to her well-paying job at the start of the divorce […]
Bethenny Frankel Celebrity Divorce: Can High-Achieving Women Have It All with One Spouse?
Maybe, if that one person is also in the same high net worth category as the woman is. But when the woman significantly out earns the man, even though the man may make a really good yearly income, the tendency is for the woman to look down on her man for not exhibiting the “drive” […]
How Can Parents Support ‘Best Interests of the Child’?
We hear the phrase”Best Interests of the Child” all the time among family law attorneys and mediators. It’s a phrase that to these professionals is pretty clear: Parents must modify their behavior towards one another and towards the children in order for the children’s physical, emotional, and intellectual needs to be met without disruption to […]
Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Forgiveness
We’ve all been told that forgiving the other person does not release that person’s responsibility of whatever happened in the relationship; it frees our spirit and our heart to be able to move past the relationship issue. It does not release the forgiven of responsibility. But forgiving ourselves is also important for us to move […]
StepParent Tips for Holiday Bonding
Judy Graybill was on the show this past Wednesday to discuss holidays, blended families, and step-parent roles. Judy is a world renowned StepParent Coach and a former step-parent herself. Holidays can be stressful enough before blended family challenges present themselves because there are many family members coming together with their own agendas for how they […]
Blended Families Holiday Memories
Molly Wilder, Certified Divorce Coach from Idaho, was our guest this week and boy did she give us a holiday story that stopped us in our tracks! Molly shared her divorce story first: She had seven children (3 biological and 4 adopted), belonged to a church that didn’t approve of divorce, and, was a stay-at-home […]
Adele: I Needed an Outlet for the Pain
This episode about Adele’s divorce was about the inner struggles of divorce, the emotional journey, not the legal one. Adele was interviewed by Oprah and the interview aired earlier this month. The cool thing about this interview was that it was woven throughout clips of Adele’s concert in Los Angeles at the Griffith Observatory, on […]
7 Levels of Emotional Energy
Karen McMahon, Certified Divorce Coach, was our guest this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast and she focused on the importance of knowing the 7 Levels of Emotional Energy. Not only is it important for divorce professionals – attorneys, mediators, paralegals, and judges – to understand these levels so that they can understand their […]
Healthy Money is Happy Money
“Our upbringing guides our views on money,” explained Jonathan Satovsky, CFA, Chief Financial Coach, and President of Satovsky Asset Management. In Jonathan’s case his parents divorced and remarried; his dad remarried twice. He saw his mother financially vulnerable throughout his young life so he focused on being financially strong and independent as a result of […]
Sometimes Children Aren’t Heard
It was a pleasure to discover Catharine Blake, Certified Divorce Coach and Child Psychotherapist, and an honor that she agreed to an interview. Her episode is posted this week on this website. There aren’t enough people in the divorce coaching arena who also specialize in child therapy. It’s a special skill and art to […]
Sheen/Richards: How Modifications Work in Child Support and Custody
I like taking celebrity divorces and using aspects of their settlement to explain how those issues work in any divorce. In the case of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, we learned that there was a recent court ruling modifying child support, the co-parenting schedule, and custody. So what happened and how does this work? Sheen […]
Emotionally Divorce your Married Self to Grow After Divorce
Julie Turner, Life Coach, our guest this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast gave us a great idea to ponder: Emotionally divorce the person you became in the marriage that just ended so that you can grow into the person that is more authentically you. I hadn’t heard this before, and it makes so […]
Spousal Support: Til Death Do Us Part
Spousal Support (aka Alimony) is one of the toughest conversations to have in a divorce settlement. Why? Because it continues to connect the spouses even after the divorce is final. Divorce is a financial transaction that sets each spouse up to be independent financial entities. Except for spousal support. Spousal support continues to connect the […]
Divorce Fear Specific to Men
After interviewing John Nachlinger, Esq., Divorce Coach for Men, Mediator and Divorce Shield podcast host on this week’s episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, I was very clear about a few things: Men are an underserved community in the world of divorce, and need a divorce coach as much as women do, who have […]
Lead By Example
LEAD BY EXAMPLE I interviewed Sarah Armstrong for this week’s podcast. She authored a book titled The Mom’s Guide to a Good Divorce. Sarah wrote it to fill the void in the divorce book community, which was a simple, easy book to read that was brief yet poignant, topic-driven, and addressed every issue that she […]
Sole Custody = Control
The greatest fear of any loving parent going through divorce is that their soon-to-be ex will get sole custody and shut them out of parenting. Men, especially, fear sole custody. The question becomes why one parent would not want the other parent to participate in loving and raising their children. Let’s look at the range […]
Mental Illness Comes in Different Shapes and Sizes in Divorce
I am not a teacher of mental illness; I am an observer and a student of this disease. Never before did I think about mental illness until I started to work in the field of general mediation, and then divorce mediation. What I noticed when I entered the practice of mediation is that many people […]
Culture Can Have An Influence on Civil Divorce Settlements
When a client with a cultural background outside of the American culture calls to file for divorce I typically ask, “What do I need to know about your culture that may affect the divorce settlement?” I ask because even though divorce is a civil law matter, I realize that people bring their cultures with them […]
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
The Erika Jayne & Tom Girardi divorce is quite different than the usual run-of-the-mill contentious divorce. This one really is a Circus, a Horse of a Different Color, with anyone working on this case risking their heads if they put it in the Lion’s Mouth of the legal system. Where is Honesty, that Elephant in […]
Marriage Success for Children of Divorce
Our interview this week was with Dr. Lydia Hughes-Evan, Ed.D., a child of parental separation; not quite a divorce, but with the same arrangement as a divorce. She lived in a one-parent household with her mother, and had visitation time with her father. Her parents didn’t speak to one another. Lydia’s parents never divorced because […]
No Comment – Now
Picture this, you’re at work, you’re in the middle of a divorce, and you see angry, demanding, disturbing emails and texts from your spouse. Dilema; what to do? Respond? Don’t respond? How to respond? Be apologetic or subservient in response out of fear that your spouse will be even more upset? Respond in the same […]
Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Wealth?
What do you do when you’ve lived a lifestyle based on your spouse’s wealth and less on your own, and you’ve made wealth a defining aspect of who you are? Wealth comes and goes, so does this mean that your value comes and goes? If you’re a prisoner of your wealth, meaning that what you’re […]
Authenticity is Gold
How much wealth do you have to have to be as wealthy as your other cast mates on a Bravo reality Housewives show? No one knows the answer because no one really knows how much wealth each person has, or how their wealth was and still is being earned. When Erika “Jayne” Girardi joined the […]
Timing Is Everything
When I was with the circus timing was everything: I watched how important split-second timing was for acrobatic acts, the timing of a dangerous act like the tightrope walker or the Lion & Tiger acts; the timing of a clown gag; the timing of scheduling cities to perform in as we were a large tented […]
Divorce and Life After Divorce
There’s divorce, and then there’s life after divorce. Anyone who has gone through divorce knows that the lead-up to divorce has it’s own challenges; we call this the Emotional Divorce. Next is the filing for divorce, which includes the decisions necessary for a settlement agreement; we call this the Legal Divorce. Once this circus of […]
Is Your Self-Esteem Suffering?
Our episode this week on The Amicable Divorce Expert podcast is on Individuation, an evolving process by which we define who we are and how we want to live, even if it means losing some of our relationships. Our guest, Anthony Metten, a TedX Speaker, Podcast Host, and Coach takes on Individuation in his businesses. […]
The Good Karma Divorce
When I was with the Circus I lived among families of many different cultures and a few different religions. Because we lived together and worked together, we operated like one giant family: We were nice one day, argued the next, and back to being nice again because the show had to go on. If there […]
Celebrity Divorces as Performance Art
Celebrity Divorces are the same as ours only with more zeros to their bank accounts and many more Instagram followers, plus a public relations image that must be preserved. Other than this, celebrity divorces are either amicable or fraught with conflict. So it is with Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates: Bezos’ divorce was amicable and […]
Silver Lining in Divorce
After you get your head out of the lion’s mouth, and change into a different emotional costume, one that suits you a lot better than that of a hunted animal, you can morph into the new you. The Silver Lining in any divorce is that with as great a life change as divorce is, it […]
Are You Committing Financial Infidelity?
Divorce is a financial lawsuit, and money is the #1 culprit. When we mishandle money, lie about what we spend, or spend on things that aren’t necessary when we need to be on a budget, we have betrayed ourselves and our spouses. We have committed Financial Infidelity. When people get divorced they are highly emotional. […]
Unconditional Forgiveness: Lemons into Love with Child of Divorce, Kamie Lehmann
When Kamie Lehmann was five years old her parents got a divorce. Her two siblings were seven and nine years old. Three very young children coping with the break-up of their family. To make matters worse, Kamie’s mother had to work, a lot, several jobs to make ends meet because there was virtually no financial […]
In speaking with Attorney, Mediator and Author, Gabrielle Hartley on the February 17th episode of Constructive Uncoupling, we learned that Court brings out the worst in people but sometimes it’s the only way to get a divorce. There was a time when Gabrielle worked with a family law Judge in New York and became his […]
Are You Biologically Designed For Lasting Relationships?
Are You Biologically Designed for Lasting Relationships? Anastasia Makhanova, Ph.D., Social Psychologist shed light on people’s ability to get into a lasting relationship that embodied the three aspects of a healthy one: Gratitude, Trust, and Forgiveness. It just may be your CD38 gene and not primarily you! Anastasia’s research showed that the CD38 gene has these […]
Life (and Divorce) Happen FOR You, Not To You
Life (and Divorce) Happen FOR You, Not To You That’s a quote by Tony Robbins, the personal and business coach, self-help author of many books, and a motivational speaker. The first two books being “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giant Within”. I read those books in the 80’s and 90’s. Both were written to show […]
Are You Living in Divorce Fear? Reality and Knowledge will Set You Free
ARE YOU LIVING in Divorce FEAR? Reality will set you FREE In divorce, people live with Fear over so many things: living alone, money, not seeing the children as much, worrying that children might get hurt with the other parent, basic survival. The daily communication with our spouses, the words we choose and the tone […]
Divorce Style with Holly Katz
The episode posted on March 24th with Holly Katz, Fashion Stylist, was born of an article in the Wall Street Journal, “Forget Wedding Dresses. Divorce Style Has Arrived” with a picture of Marilyn Monroe leaving the courthouse in 1954 after filing for divorce from her then husband baseball legend Joe DiMaggio. Fashion changes throughout time […]
Life Journey Rebrand
We all reach a point in our lives that requires a change. Divorce is one of those life events. This is a perfect time to revise, look back, and decide what we want to change to live a different life. We first start with our personal lives. What can we modify to express ourselves differently, […]
Dividing Difficult Assets & Debts
Dividing Difficult Assets & Debts Having a lot of money and assets is so much fun until you get divorced. Then, the weight of your riches can be an albatross. That’s why using professionals like forensic accountants, real estate attorneys, and experienced family law attorneys are expenses that are necessary for financial survival. The biggest […]
Reclaiming Your Power Through Empathy and Compassion
Reading from The Good Karma Divorce, April 15, 2019 Former Judge Michele Lowrance, now author of The Good Karma Divorce, combines her legal background in family law with her Buddhist beliefs to show anyone going through divorce the power of empathy and compassion. Her book takes you through the process of turning negative emotions into […]
Changing the Settlement Power Imbalance
Changing the Settlement Power Imbalance When couples divorce, and they engage in settlement talks, their ability to create a settlement agreement is based on the power dynamic that existed in their marriage. The power dynamic can be a very equal one in which the couple easily made decisions together, or the power dynamic can be […]
Divorcing a High Conflict Personality is like Putting Your Head in the Lion’s Mouth
Interview with Bill Eddy, January 8, 2020 High Conflict Personalities (HCP) come in five groups: Borderline, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Antisocial, and Histrionic. How do you know if you’re married to an HCP. Well, the first thing is that there always seems to be conflict, even in situations that should be easy and simple. Decisions for something […]
Co-Parenting with a Narcissist is like Walking a Tightrope
There are five high conflict personality types: Borderline, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Antisocial, and Histrionic. All are hard to engage with in a legal dispute and in co-parenting. The more prevalent personality type currently is narcissistic. But in each of the personality types is a common thread of control and abandonment. The expression of the disorder […]
Honesty is the Elephant in the Room
Addressing our part in the dissolution of a marriage, if it is a normal marriage in which both spouses have some level of culpability and responsibility, is the most freeing thing you could ever do because honesty does set you free. When we’re honest about our level of responsibility, we can stop lying that it […]



