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Divorce Style with Holly Katz

Divorce Style with Holly Katz

The episode posted on March 24th with Holly Katz, Fashion Stylist, was born of an article in the Wall Street Journal, “Forget Wedding Dresses. Divorce Style Has Arrived” with a picture of Marilyn Monroe leaving the courthouse in 1954 after filing for divorce from her then husband baseball legend Joe DiMaggio.  Fashion changes throughout time but the influence fashion has on the way we feel about ourselves and the influence our fashion statement makes on everyone we speak to, including the Judges at our divorce proceedings hasn’t changed.

Holly Katz explained how she approaches fashion styling with her clients so that they are able to develop their own style, always with the understanding of why dressing well is important.  “There is a psychology to fashion, ” Katz says, “around how we present ourselves to the world.”  Holly shares her thinking:

“I give people permission to put themselves first.”

“Your style should be evolving with your age.”

“Your image may be holding you back.”

“Dressing well is a lifestyle.”

“Anyone can be stylish.”

Holly unapologetically insists that fashion is as important as the food we eat.  Fashion frames how we think and behave, and how people react to us.

“My approach is Consult, Closet Inspection, Shop. I listen to how people live their day and how they feel about life.  The Closet Inspection tells me so much about the person’s image of themselves and what they want to portray to the world. And then I teach them how to choose clothes by shopping with them first, and then showing them how to shop on their own.”

When do we need to feel our best, during divorce.  Feeling good allows us to communicate at our best throughout the divorce process, especially if we have to appear in a formal legal environment, either in mediation or in court.

Look Good.  Feel Good. Communicate Well. Transform Your Life.