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Life Journey Rebrand

Life Journey Rebrand

We all reach a point in our lives that requires a change.  Divorce is one of those life events.  This is a perfect time to revise, look back, and decide what we want to change to live a different life.

We first start with our personal lives.  What can we modify to express ourselves differently, redirect our responsibilities, and make choices that we may have put on the back burner.  What do we have to lose?  We’re getting divorced.  We’re in the most of change.

Once we rebrand ourselves, how about our careers? The world has presented us with imposed adjustments to our lives during the Covid 19 pandemic, so what not push the boundaries beyond limits.  What have you always wanted to do but haven’t?  Where do we want to live? How do we want to spend our days?

My first fantasy career has been fulfilled as Marketing Director and Dancing Bear with the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus.  I had never seen a circus before being employed by this amazing company.  I wanted to work with as many cultures in the world possible, and in as many places possible in the world, too.  And I did just that with the circus.

Now I get to connect with all of you through this wonderful podcast.

When life gets tough, and I look for an escape, my go-to fantasy job is being a cocktail waitress in Hawaii.  All fun.  No homework. And plenty of time for a personal life that does not entail passwords and keywords.

Until then, I am having the time of my life with this podcast and helping people divorce through mediation.

Join me in a rebrand to reemerge refreshed, rejuvenated, and full of life!