1. What is Mediation and How Does it Work?
a. Is the mediator like a judge and makes decisions for the couple?
b. When does a mediator venture an opinion or a suggestion in resolving outstanding issues in a settlement?
c. What is external vs. Internal information?
2. Who has a good profile for mediation?
a. Why are you here?
b. Willingness / motivation
3. Who is wrong for mediation?
a. Reactive devaluation
b. Power balance
c. No legal advice or understanding of the law
4. When is mediation right for the coupe?
5. When is mediation wrong for the couple?
6. Divorce is a people problem with a legal consequence
7. Have you ever stopped a mediation because it appeared to be fruitless, or because of a power imbalance?
8. 9 Tips to hire the right divorce attorney.
About Katherine:
Katherine Eisold Miller is an attorney on a mission to change how people divorce and help them divorce with dignity. She is the founder of the Miller Law Group and a Director and Trainer with the Center for Understanding in Conflict. She has been working in the field of family law for more than 35 years as an attorney as well as a mediator. She hosts the radio show/podcast Divorce Dialogues. She is co-author of the #1 Amazon bestseller “A Cup of Coffee with 10 of the Top Divorce Attorneys in the United States” and the author of the “New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce.” Her many media accolades include interviews on CBS New York, NBC New York and features in New York Times (2), US News & World Report, ABC News, Money Magazine, Splitopia, Fox News, Huffpost, and BravoTV.
#DivorceMediation #Mediator #Conflict #Coparenting #CoparentingwithaNarcissist #BravoTV #CollaborativeDivorce #DivorceLawyers #DivorceAttorneys #DivorceCourt #Compromise #Respect #DivorcewithDignity #AttorneyKatherineMiller #MediatorKatherineMiller #MillerLawGroup #DivorceLitigation #AmicableDivorce #CenterforUnderstandinginConflict #DivorceDialogues #NewYorkTimes #FoxNews #USNews&WorldReport #ABCNews #MoneyMagazine #Huffpost #Splitopia
a. Is the mediator like a judge and makes decisions for the couple?
b. When does a mediator venture an opinion or a suggestion in resolving outstanding issues in a settlement?
c. What is external vs. Internal information?
2. Who has a good profile for mediation?
a. Why are you here?
b. Willingness / motivation
3. Who is wrong for mediation?
a. Reactive devaluation
b. Power balance
c. No legal advice or understanding of the law
4. When is mediation right for the coupe?
5. When is mediation wrong for the couple?
6. Divorce is a people problem with a legal consequence
7. Have you ever stopped a mediation because it appeared to be fruitless, or because of a power imbalance?
8. 9 Tips to hire the right divorce attorney.
About Katherine:
Katherine Eisold Miller is an attorney on a mission to change how people divorce and help them divorce with dignity. She is the founder of the Miller Law Group and a Director and Trainer with the Center for Understanding in Conflict. She has been working in the field of family law for more than 35 years as an attorney as well as a mediator. She hosts the radio show/podcast Divorce Dialogues. She is co-author of the #1 Amazon bestseller “A Cup of Coffee with 10 of the Top Divorce Attorneys in the United States” and the author of the “New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce.” Her many media accolades include interviews on CBS New York, NBC New York and features in New York Times (2), US News & World Report, ABC News, Money Magazine, Splitopia, Fox News, Huffpost, and BravoTV.
#DivorceMediation #Mediator #Conflict #Coparenting #CoparentingwithaNarcissist #BravoTV #CollaborativeDivorce #DivorceLawyers #DivorceAttorneys #DivorceCourt #Compromise #Respect #DivorcewithDignity #AttorneyKatherineMiller #MediatorKatherineMiller #MillerLawGroup #DivorceLitigation #AmicableDivorce #CenterforUnderstandinginConflict #DivorceDialogues #NewYorkTimes #FoxNews #USNews&WorldReport #ABCNews #MoneyMagazine #Huffpost #Splitopia