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Archive of month: June 2021

Timing Is Everything

When I was with the circus timing was everything: I watched how important split-second timing was for acrobatic acts, the timing of a dangerous act like the tightrope walker or the Lion & Tiger acts; the timing of a clown gag; the timing of scheduling cities to perform in as we were a large tented […]

Divorce and Life After Divorce

There’s divorce, and then there’s life after divorce.  Anyone who has gone through divorce knows that the lead-up to divorce has it’s own challenges; we call this the Emotional Divorce. Next is the filing for divorce, which includes the decisions necessary for a settlement agreement; we call this the Legal Divorce.  Once this circus of […]

Is Your Self-Esteem Suffering?

Our episode this week on The Amicable Divorce Expert podcast is on Individuation, an evolving process by which we define who we are and how we want to live, even if it means losing some of our relationships. Our guest, Anthony Metten, a TedX Speaker, Podcast Host, and Coach takes on Individuation in his businesses. […]

The Good Karma Divorce

When I was with the Circus I lived among families of many different cultures and a few different religions. Because we lived together and worked together, we operated like one giant family: We were nice one day, argued the next, and back to being nice again because the show had to go on.  If there […]