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Archive of month: December 2022

Episode 204: Parental Alienation is Child Abuse

Listen Here:  https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/parental-alienation-and-child-centered-divorce-coaching-with-janet-price-divorce-thriving-ahead-coach/ If you were a child of divorce and experienced parental alienation, this is a trauma that will take some undoing. If you are a parent and are supporting parental alienation, you are engaging in child abuse. The definition of parental alienation is a process in which one parent intentionally denigrates the other […]

Episode 203 Blog: Why Do Relationships Take Work?

https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/having-a-healthy-love-relationship-is-a-learning-process-with-dr-thomas-jordan-clinical-psychologist-and-psychoanalyst/ Like you, I’ve known couples who have been married a very long time, and couples who didn’t last very long. And we’ve all known people who have had several marriages and divorces, and it just doesn’t seem like successful marriages are part of their lives.  Right? So why is there such a difference in […]

Episode 201 Blog: Is Your Divorce Taking Too Long?

Listen Here: https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/really-long-celebrity-divorces-and-how-to-shorten-yours/ There are several reasons why your divorce could be taking longer than it needs to, or much longer than you expected. Let’s look at the reasons: There is no communication, or acrimonious communication between spouses. Communication is the center point, the ground zero for the trajectory of the divorce. This is why […]