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  • Judith Weigle

All posts of Judith Weigle

Are You Living in Divorce Fear? Reality and Knowledge will Set You Free

ARE YOU LIVING in Divorce FEAR? Reality will set you FREE In divorce, people live with Fear over so many things: living alone, money, not seeing the children as much, worrying that children might get hurt with the other parent, basic survival.  The daily communication with our spouses, the words we choose and the tone […]

Divorce Style with Holly Katz

The episode posted on March 24th with Holly Katz, Fashion Stylist, was born of an article in the Wall Street Journal, “Forget Wedding Dresses. Divorce Style Has Arrived” with a picture of Marilyn Monroe leaving the courthouse in 1954 after filing for divorce from her then husband baseball legend Joe DiMaggio.  Fashion changes throughout time […]

Life Journey Rebrand

We all reach a point in our lives that requires a change.  Divorce is one of those life events.  This is a perfect time to revise, look back, and decide what we want to change to live a different life. We first start with our personal lives.  What can we modify to express ourselves differently, […]

Dividing Difficult Assets & Debts

Dividing Difficult Assets & Debts Having a lot of money and assets is so much fun until you get divorced.  Then, the weight of your riches can be an albatross.  That’s why using professionals like forensic accountants, real estate attorneys, and experienced family law attorneys are expenses that are necessary for financial survival. The biggest […]

Reclaiming Your Power Through Empathy and Compassion

Reading from The Good Karma Divorce, April 15, 2019 Former Judge Michele Lowrance, now author of The Good Karma Divorce, combines her legal background in family law with her Buddhist beliefs to show anyone going through divorce the power of empathy and compassion. Her book takes you through the process of turning negative emotions into […]

Changing the Settlement Power Imbalance

Changing  the Settlement Power Imbalance When couples divorce, and they engage in settlement talks, their ability to create a settlement agreement is based on the power dynamic that existed in their marriage.  The power dynamic can be a very equal one in which the couple easily made decisions together, or the power dynamic can be […]

Divorcing a High Conflict Personality is like Putting Your Head in the Lion’s Mouth

Interview with Bill Eddy, January 8, 2020 High Conflict Personalities (HCP) come in five groups: Borderline, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Antisocial, and Histrionic. How do you know if you’re married to an HCP. Well, the first thing is that there always seems to be conflict, even in situations that should be easy and simple. Decisions for something […]

Co-Parenting with a Narcissist is like Walking a Tightrope

  There are five high conflict personality types: Borderline, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Antisocial, and Histrionic. All are hard to engage with in a legal dispute and in co-parenting. The more prevalent personality type currently is narcissistic. But in each of the personality types is a common thread of control and abandonment. The expression of the disorder […]

Honesty is the Elephant in the Room

Addressing our part in the dissolution of a marriage, if it is a normal marriage in which both spouses have some level of culpability and responsibility, is the most freeing thing you could ever do because honesty does set you free.  When we’re honest about our level of responsibility, we can stop lying that it […]