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  • Judith Weigle

All posts of Judith Weigle

StepParent Tips for Holiday Bonding

Judy Graybill was on the show this past Wednesday to discuss holidays, blended families, and step-parent roles.  Judy is a world renowned StepParent Coach and a former step-parent herself.  Holidays can be stressful enough before blended family challenges present themselves because there are many family members coming together with their own agendas for how they […]

Blended Families Holiday Memories

Molly Wilder, Certified Divorce Coach from Idaho, was our guest this week and boy did she give us a holiday story that stopped us in our tracks!  Molly shared her divorce story first: She had seven children (3 biological and 4 adopted), belonged to a church that didn’t approve of divorce, and, was a stay-at-home […]

Adele: I Needed an Outlet for the Pain

This episode about Adele’s divorce was about the inner struggles of divorce, the emotional journey, not the legal one. Adele was interviewed by Oprah and the interview aired earlier this month. The cool thing about this interview was that it was woven throughout clips of Adele’s concert in Los Angeles at the Griffith Observatory, on […]

7 Levels of Emotional Energy

Karen McMahon, Certified Divorce Coach, was our guest this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast and she focused on the importance of knowing the 7 Levels of Emotional Energy. Not only is it important for divorce professionals – attorneys, mediators, paralegals, and judges – to understand these levels so that they can understand their […]

Healthy Money is Happy Money

“Our upbringing guides our views on money,” explained Jonathan Satovsky, CFA, Chief Financial Coach, and President of Satovsky Asset Management. In Jonathan’s case his parents divorced and remarried; his dad remarried twice. He saw his mother financially vulnerable throughout his young life so he focused on being financially strong and independent as a result of […]

Sometimes Children Aren’t Heard

It was a pleasure to discover Catharine Blake, Certified Divorce Coach and Child Psychotherapist, and an honor that she agreed to an interview. Her episode is posted this week on this website. https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/effects-of-divorce-on-children-with-catharine-blake-cdc-psychotherapist/ There aren’t enough people in the divorce coaching arena who also specialize in child therapy.  It’s a special skill and art to […]

Sheen/Richards: How Modifications Work in Child Support and Custody

I like taking celebrity divorces and using aspects of their settlement to explain how those issues work in any divorce.  In the case of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, we learned that there was a recent court ruling modifying child support, the co-parenting schedule, and custody. So what happened and how does this work? Sheen […]

Emotionally Divorce your Married Self to Grow After Divorce

Julie Turner, Life Coach, our guest this week on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast gave us a great idea to ponder: Emotionally divorce the person you became in the marriage that just ended so that you can grow into the person that is more authentically you. I hadn’t heard this before, and it makes so […]

Spousal Support: Til Death Do Us Part

Spousal Support (aka Alimony) is one of the toughest conversations to have in a divorce settlement. Why? Because it continues to connect the spouses even after the divorce is final.  Divorce is a financial transaction that sets each spouse up to be independent financial entities. Except for spousal support.  Spousal support continues to connect the […]

Divorce Fear Specific to Men

After interviewing John Nachlinger, Esq., Divorce Coach for Men, Mediator and Divorce Shield podcast host on this week’s episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, I was very clear about a few things: Men are an underserved community in the world of divorce, and need a divorce coach as much as women do, who have […]