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Archive of month: June 2023

Episode 231: Communication is Our Secret Sauce

Listen Here:  https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/communication-is-your-key-to-control-wjudith-weigle/ People don’t realize how much power and control they have over adverse situations simply by communicating in a way that neutralizes conflict. We aren’t taught communication skills in school. We learn from our parents. We learn from our friends. And we learn from every person with whom we interact. But if the […]

Episode 230: A Heart-Healthy Divorce Is Possible

Listen Here:  https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/recipe-for-a-heart-healthy-divorce-wjudith-weigle/ No, a Heart-Healthy Divorce is not an oxymoron. It is possible to use divorce to reset our way of thinking; to sharpen our apology and forgiveness skills; and to learn how to deal with conflict in a completely different way than “lawyering up for the fight”. But a formal approach has never […]

Episode 228: Break Free, Marriage Hostages

Listen Here: https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/are-you-held-hostage-in-your-marriage-and-divorce-with-kelly-thiel-author-former-cult-member/ You know when your relationship doesn’t feel right, look right, or function with the freedom of individual thinking and independent behavior for both spouses. You know that having no access to money isn’t normal for an adult in a marriage. You know that giving up self-expression means having no personal identity. You […]

Episode 227: Is Trust a Concern in Your Divorce?

Listen Here:  https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/is-trust-a-concern-in-your-divorce/ I speak a lot about the Emotional Divorce, which precedes the Legal Divorce. The Emotional Divorce has to be settled before we file and make legally binding decisions. The Emotional Divorce is the emotional uncoupling process of grieving the loss of the relationship. If people don’t go through this grieving process first, […]