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Episode-170:Are Men’s Feelings Different Than Women’s in Divorce?

Are Men’s Feelings Different Than Women’s in Divorce?

On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we interview Tamir Berkman, Divorce Cowboy. Tamir only works with me because, as a man, because he believes he can address the emotional issues that men go through differently than women when in a relationship break-up. Tamir uses, as one of his approaches, Equine Therapy. Equine Therapy is relatively new as a defined way to sort out feelings and gain perspective on why the relationship didn’t work.

Horses absorb distress and insecurity with people who try to get near them. Their reactions to skittish humans is to mirror that feeling back and react in a skittish manner and resist connecting with that human.

Tamir will take us through the ways in which men process emotion in a relationship break-up, and how understanding and dealing with those emotions can create a better post break-up relationship than existed in the relationship.

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Biography of Natalie S. Lowe, Esq. 
Attorney Lowe has been in practice since 2006. Her office is in the Beverly Hills, CA area. She has specialized in family law exclusively. Her mentor was Dennis Wasser, one of the foremost attorneys in the Los Angeles area for decades. Natalie learned from the best to be the best.